This disclosure statement explains my relationship to my advertisers and how I receive compensation. is an informational website provided as a service to my readers. I write all of the content for Debs Hook Nook without compensation.
However, I receive compensation on a fee-for-services basis for Make it For Me and other services that I advertise on this website.
I do not write reviews for the purpose of receiving payment. Occasionally, I receive free products to test. If I like the product, I may choose to write a review for the benefit of my readers. If this is the case, I disclose that I received the product for free. I may also join the manufacturer's affiliate program and offer the product for sale along with the review, in which case the affiliate links are marked as sponsored links.
In addition, I may receive compensation from the following source(s):
I, (Deborah Mason) am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
These commissions help defray the operating costs of this website so I can continue to provide information free-of-charge to you, my visitors. I personally use or have used many of the products advertised on my site. However, many ads are served by 3rd party ad networks. I cannot monitor every ad that is served by these networks.
If you see an ad that is offensive, have a complaint about fraudulent business practices by any of my advertisers, or if you have questions or concerns about my advertising policies, please contact me immediately.
Thank-you for supporting!
Dec 17, 24 12:06 AM
Dec 12, 24 02:16 AM
Dec 10, 24 12:48 AM