Crochet Abbreviations

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Crochet patterns are written using a kind of short form using crochet abbreviations.  If a pattern was written using words rather than abbreviations, it would run to so many pages, each pattern would be a similar size as a small book. 

crochet terms

Let's compare a line from one of my patterns and how it would look if it was written using the full terms.

From the pattern: 

Round 3: (sc 1, inc) * 6 times [18]

Long version:

Round 3: Single crochet one stitch, increase in the next stitch. Repeat these two stitches a total of six times. You will have eighteen stitches at the end of the round.

See what I mean? 

Learning the meanings of all of the abbreviations can take some time.  Most patterns will have a list of the abbreviations used at the front (before the the row by row or round by round instructions) but it helps if you understand what each of them actually means.  

Crochet Abbreviations Table

Abbr Description Abbr Description
alt alternate FPtr front post treble crochet
approx approximately hdc half double crochet
beg begin/beginning hdc2tog half double crochet 2 stitches together
bet between inc increase
BL or BLO back loop or back loop only lp loop
bo bobble m marker
BP back post MC main color
BPdc back post double crochet pat or patt pattern
BPdtr back post double treble crochet pc popcorn stitch
BPhdc back post half double crochet pm place marker
BPsc back post single crochet prev previous
BPtr back post treble crochet ps or puff puff stitch
CC contrasting color rem remaining
ch chain stitch rep repeat
ch- refer to chain or space previously made, e.g., ch-1 space rnd round
ch-sp chain space RS right side
CL cluster sc single crochet
cont continue sc2tog single crochet 2 stitches together
dc double crochet sh shell
dc2tog double crochet 2 stitches together sk skip
dec decrease sl st slip stitch
dtr double treble crochet sm or sl m slip marker
edc extended double crochet sp space
ehdc extended half double crochet st stitch
esc extended single crochet tbl through back loop
etr extended treble crochet tch or t-ch turning chain
FL or FLO front loop or front loop only tog together
foll following tr treble crochet
FP front post tr2tog treble crochet 2 stitches together
FPdc front post double crochet trtr triple treble crochet
FPdtr front post double treble crochet WS wrong side
FPhdc front post half double crochet yo yarn over
FPsc front post single crochet yoh yarn over hook



Abbreviation Differences between the US and UK

As mentioned elsewhere on this site, there are some abbreviations that are used in both the US and the UK but the meanings are different in each country (and their patterns).  Some of those terms are listed below.

US/Canada   UK
slip stitch (sl st)   slip stitch (ss)
single crochet (sc)   double crochet (dc)
half double crochet (hdc)   half treble (htr)
double crochet (dc)   treble (tr)
treble (tr)   double treble (dtr)
double treble (dtr)   triple treble (trtr)
gauge   tension
yarn over (yo)   yarn over hook (yoh)

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